Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hospital Day #2

We got an update. Our little man is doing better, but is still in the hospital. I emailed information to our International Pediatrican. She said they would probably keep him longer than they would in the US. I guess there is probably lots of truth to that. I wish I would have known this before we got the call today. I was hoping to hear that he was back at HH. I guess it is better to have him completely recovered before he goes back instead of jumping the gun and having him relapse. Today was much harder on me than yesterday was. Like Jason said, it would be nice to see with our own eyes that he was doing better instead of taking someone else's word for it. I'm about ready to jump on a plane and see him. I'd even do the whole trip by myself if need be. It isn't possible in any way, shape, or form. I know that. I know he is in good hands. I double checked to make sure that he had someone with him all of the time. I wasn't sure if it was b/c he was just brought in or if someone stays with him the whole time. They keep someone with him the whole time. That is so comforting to this mom's heart. At least he has someone that is special to him there to love on him. No it isn't us, but it is the best it can be right now. So thankful for our agency. If we were with a different agency #1--he would be in orphanage not a transition home #2--he might be still suffering at the orphanage instead of getting the medical care he needs. #3--he would be all alone.

It is hard enough to be away from him, but this is so very hard to know that he is soooo sick and we can't see him. To my surprise, I haven't cried over this yet. However, I did have troubles sleeping last night and now I'm starting to have some acid stomach issues. The first thing that comes to my mind is to relax and pray about it. Trust in God that he will be okay. I believe he will be okay. However..I have never had a kid in the hospital let alone in a hospital across the world depending on someone else's arms to hold him, someone else's lips to kiss him, someone else's eyes to say he is okay. It is tough. We have so many prayers and such support. It is so greatly appreciated. We know he will be okay. We know he is getting good care and is in good hands. He is not in his mom and dad's arms and that really matters at this time.

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