Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Home Study

Our Home Study was today. I really wasn't worried about it, but did manage to get a tiny bit worked up over getting the house in order. (even though I knew it really didn't matter) Our case worker is AWESOME!!! It is great that we feel so relaxed with her. She will come back to our house for post placement reports at 3, 6, and 12 months after bringing our little one home. It sure has made this journey so much easier with someone that is so easy to work with. She is going to add the stuff from today into the partially completed Home Study. She will then send it to AGCI for approval. Then we wait for our fingerprint results. She will come into work during her maternity leave to put the fingerprint date into our Home Study, sign it, and get them all off in the mail. Too bad we have to wait for these fingerprints. Oh well. I plan on getting all of my things ready so as soon as we get those results back, we can send in our Dossier. Hopefully by the end of June we can be on the wait list. I know the waiting is all part of the bigger picture. We might have to wait a little while longer than we would like to get these results back, also helps to have things fall into place. Maybe we will get a younger child b/c of it. No matter is all part of the bigger picture. It is in God's hands and in His time!

1 comment:

  1. Great perspective! God is in control of the timing!!! I did the same crazy cleaning, but I loved having the motivation to do it!
