Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Medical updates

Lots of medical "junk" since we have been home. We got home early morning on Friday, April 13. By the night of the 14th, we were on our first "outing" with our little guy...to the Bowdle ER. It was the good ole' upper respiratory stuff. We got an anti-biotic and were put on a nebulizer.  Monday, April 16, we had an appointment with a pediatrician an hour away to do a complete check up for this little man that is new to our country. After blood work and a chest xray, he was diagnosed with pneumonia. He was to continue the nebulizer treatments and got a different anti-biotic. We continued to plug away with trying to nurse this baby back to health as well as getting adjusted to all of the changes.

Saturday, April 21....when I gave him a bath, we noticed how much his chest was being sucked in when he was breathing.  About 10pm, Jason got paged for the ambulance for a transfer to Aberdeen. Shortly after Jason left, the phone rang. It was the PA from the hospital. Some how Kobe's breathing was brought up while they were waiting to transfer the patient. The PA suggested we come in before things got worse. They did lab work and another chest xray. Being in a town of 500 people, we are thankful we have a hospital. The PA wasn't comfortable dealing the pneumonia in a baby, so she recommended we go to Aberdeen. Kobe and I went home and packed some things. As soon as Jason returned from the ER in Aberdeen with the ambulance, we turned around and went to the ER in Aberdeen with our son. We got to Aberdeen about 2am. We waited until about 5 am before finding out they were going to admit us.  We spent 2 nights in the hospital. We were released last night. We have a follow up appointment tomorrow. We are also going to have a video teleconference with a doctor from Sioux Falls. She is an Infectious Disease doctor as his lab work still shows some concerns. I'm sure within a few days, we will be taking off to see what she can figure out. "Infectious Disease" doctor sounds bad, but basically these ID doctors are experts in all the troubles that can these little people can have when they come from a different country.

We thought we had a happy baby. Kobe has been such a trooper through all of this. He won the hearts of the nurses and they actually fought over who got to carry him back to the room after a procedure, etc...Since we have been home, Kobe has been getting up every 1-2 hours for a bottle. We are thankful that he will take a bottle and go right back to sleep. The last few nights before the hospital trip, he was getting up about every hour to hour and a half for about an ounce of formula. We thought maybe this was a coping thing for him as his bottle is the only comfort he has right now. Well--2 nights now (one in the hospital and one at home) he has slept up to 3 hours b/t feedings and waking for a full bottle. Apparently it was b/c he didn't feel good. We thought we had a happy baby, but boy what a difference it makes to have a baby that actually feels good.

We will be home 2 weeks in a couple of days. In that amount of time, this little man has had 3 ER trips and a hospital stay. Poor guy! Welcome to America. :(

We are so thankful God has blessed us with such an amazing little boy. He truly is a blessing. We are also thankful for the support people continue to give us. Thanks for the prayers. Please continue to pray that we are able to get to the bottom of the crazy lab work results. 

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