Thursday, May 6, 2010

Deep breaths required

Anyone that knows me very well, will know that I can get myself into a "tizzy" quite easily. I have been so calm about all of this adoption stuff which proves to me that this is God's will. I know He is giving me the peace. Well--I think I've been calm for too long. :) First of all, I got an email from our Home Study case worker. She told me that she has a couple that sent their fingerprints in the beginning of April and they haven't heard anything back yet. In my binder that I have from our agency, it says that it generally takes 13 weeks to get results back. However, it also says that adoption takes priority and that it could be back in 2 and 1/2 weeks. So----bottom line is that our Home Study cannot be completed until we get FBI clearance with our fingerprints. Our case worker is going on maternity leave the 1st of June. After much searching on the internet, I was able to find a number for the FBI in Washington, DC. They gave me the number for West Virginia. (which is where our fingerprints were sent.) I called them and they said the average turn around time currently is b/t 6-13 weeks. I asked if priority was given to adoptions. He didn't know, but gave me the number of someone that would know. Of course, they had left for the day. The part that bothers me the most about all of this is that I could have had this done a long time ago, but didn't realize we needed to. :( Like previously posted, when our binder said we needed fingerprints I thought it was what we already did. So--this hold up could have been prevented if I would have asked someone about it. So it goes. It is done and over with.

We also got a letter in the mail from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. It said that our application was received. I called to see if we would then be receiving our fingerprinting appointment. Things have changed as of April 1. We knew that they needed our Home Study. However, in the past they have had people do their fingerprinting and then they don't process it until the Home Study gets to them. Well--we will not get our appointment for fingerprinting until our Home Study arrives. Clear as mud, huh? I did find out that we will FOR SURE get to go to SF. :) I'd think that it wouldn't take as long getting a fingerprinting appointing in SD as opposed to other states.

The other day I did ask our agency what the current "wait time" was. Of course things are kind of up in the air with the 2nd trip having been added. We can officially get put on the wait list when our Home Study and Dossier papers get sent to our agency and we get the proper corrections made, etc....We were thinking this would be possible by the middle of June, but that doesn't look as hopeful now. Anyway--current wait time from the time you get your paperwork filed until you get a referral (matched up with a child) is 6-7 months for a boy and 7-9 months for a girl. I'm sure these numbers change quite often, but that is the current status. It is nice to have a little bit more of a POSSIBLE time frame. Of course after being matched up with a child, we have the first trip. Then we come home for awhile and then we go on our second trip and then bring our child home. No real idea b/t referral to travel #1 and how long until travel #2.

I'm trying to remain calm. So if things get held up for another month or happens. I know it is all part of God's plan. Maybe we are just buying time to be matched up with our special little one. :) I'd have to say that so far things have been fairly smooth sailing, so we shouldn't be surprised by the bumps in the road. It wouldn't be me if I didn't get in a tizzy a little bit from time to time. :)


  1. I am sorry you are seeing delays. My state fingerprints were rejected and we lost a whole month because of it and I was so SO frustrated about it.

    Now I can see it was a part of a more perfect plan then I could comprehend. All along, through the waiting I have wondered why God wasn't getting us our referral. We waited almost a whole month in the top 2 spots on the wait list which is not normal - little did I know my son was only born 18 days before we got his referral. A grander plan then I could see!

    I hope that you are able to get those checks back soon!

  2. We just got our FBI clearance- it took exactly 8 weeks. I emailed them EVERY week and once I began doing that things moved quickly. Here is the email address-

    We will be praying!
